Monday, May 31, 2010

For Those Who Hate to Meditate

Just finished a video (7 min) on two meditation options for those who hate to meditate: shell fava beans or nadi shodhana. The sounds is not great on this video - not sure why.

In the video, I mention 4 proven outcomes of the practice nadhi shodhana:
  1. Lowers your pulse
  2. Lowers your blood pressure
  3. Increases deep breathing (peak expiratory flow)
  4. Improves problem solving
These were proven in a randomized, controlled trial - the gold standard of highest quality evidence.

Also thought I'd post the protocol used in the 2005 study I cited to teach nadi shodhana. Here it is:
  1. Open the right hand and bend index and middle fingers against the palm. The thumb was used for closing the right nostril while the fourth and fifth fingers were used for the left nostril.
  2. Place the right thumb against the ala at the end of the nostril to close it and similarly press the fourth and fifth fingertips against the left nostril.
  3. Start the exercise in the ‘Sukhasana posture’ (SG note: simple seated pose, such as cross-legged or half-lotus), with relaxed attitude and concentration as below.
  • Exhale slowly and deeply without closing the nostrils but being ready to do so.
  • Inhale slowly and quietly through the left nostril while closing the right.
  • At the end of the inhalation, close both nostrils and hold the breath for a while (not more than 1-2 seconds).
  • Keep the left nostril closed and exhale through the right as quietly as possible.
  • After exhaling completely, inhale slowly and quietly through the right nostril.
  • Close both nostril and wait for a while, then open the left nostril and exhale slowly and silently.
  • Inhale through the same nostril and continue.
  • Perform for 20 minutes.

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I'm an organic gynecologist, yoga teacher + writer. I earn a living partnering with women to get them vital and self-realized again. We're born that way, but often fall off the path. Let's take your lousy mood and fatigue, and transform it into something sacred and useful.