Monday, April 4, 2011

5 Burning Questions: Get Your Deep Cleanse On

Part of cleansing is letting go of mental structures that no longer serve, along with choosing more fitting structures that would serve you more optimally. My best mentor?  Danielle Laporte. Check out the 5 burning questions (below) Danielle created along with Rich, Happy and Hot Marie Forleo and let them cleanse your mind.


1. Say your "official" job title out loud. Three times. Deep breath. How does it make you feel?

2. How much money would you like to make, annually? Visualize that number. Feel its energetic value. What's happening in body, as you hold that number in your heart?

3. What's on your "stop-doing" list? What do you need to delegate (or eliminate), to make space for magic?

4. What do people thank you for, consistently? What's the common thread of golden praise?

5. So...for real, now. What would you like to do with your life and career? {Money is no object. Dream.}

Hope these questions provoke and carry you to new insights. I'll show you my answers if you show me yours!

BTW, join me in New York May 12 for deep cleansing with Danielle and Marie in a program they call Selling Your Soul. Be sure to check out their bad-ass video on their page. Makes my heart go pitter patter.

Ancient traditions such as Yoga and Ayurveda view our lives as a perpetual search for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual food. Our optimal health is based both on successfully digesting the nutrients of our lives as well as on regular removal of the metabolic, energetic, and psychological waste/toxins. Old metrics that make you feel bad or less than are toxic and need to be removed and replaced with the jewels of greater authenticity.


Marie Forleo said...

I'm very excited to see you at Selling Your Soul and hear your A's to these Q's.

xo Marie

Suzie said...

As usual great questions, provoking my emotions is fabulous...makes me think out LOUD. Question 3, OMG I think that's my answer, what to STOP doing.

Thanks so much Ladies.

Melody Granger said...

Great questions to answer honestly and to feel my reaction to the answers. The reaction is helps you form your answer.

Love Marie & don't know Danielle, but I've seen her around;-) I know these ladies are champion leaders with no shortage of bad ass moves & thoughts!

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I'm an organic gynecologist, yoga teacher + writer. I earn a living partnering with women to get them vital and self-realized again. We're born that way, but often fall off the path. Let's take your lousy mood and fatigue, and transform it into something sacred and useful.